AKG C12 Multi-Directional Condenser Mic

The Mystique of the “Elephant’s —-“:
Recording Michael Bolton with a Legendary C12 Microphone

We received a call for a session with the legendary singer Michael Bolton, scheduled at a stage in North Valley. He was set to record the vocals for a Starburst commercial and specifically requested a rare microphone that required us to rent it. The production manager sheepishly admitted he couldn’t recall the exact brand and model but  remembered it being referred to as the “Elephant’s D**k.”

Anticipating ridicule at the rental house, I braced myself for the inevitable amusement upon mentioning such a peculiar name. Little did I know how little I knew!


AKG C12 Tube Condenser Microphone
AKG C12 Tube Condenser Microphone
Brand: AKG
Classic large diaphragm tube microphone

This legendary microphone, the C12, holds a fascinating history. Produced by the Austrian AKG at the request of the German Telefunken, only a limited number of approximately 2,500-3,000 units were ever manufactured. Born from a healthy rivalry between German competitor Neumann and AKG, the C12, alongside the renowned U47, left an indelible mark on the music recording industry. 

To illustrate its unparalleled popularity, consider these interesting facts:

  • The legendary Frank Sinatra himself alternated between the U47 and C12 throughout his career, choosing the microphone that best suited the musical setting. 
  • Even Elvis Presley, who began his career embraced by the creamy-smooth sounds of ribbon mics, found the C12 offered that same velvety smoothness, but with a captivating level of detail and nuance. 
  • In later years, the C12 graced the voices of Michael Jackson, Tom Petty, and countless other musical giants.
  • Mr. Quincy Jones lined up 21 AKG C12s at the A&M studios for the recording of “We Are The World”. 

Today, finding one is not an easy task and often priced in the tens of thousands of dollars.

So, it was with a sense of awe and responsibility that we procured this legendary microphone for Michael Bolton’s session. 

Read more about the history and detailed comparison between the Telefunken and AKG models.


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