Safety First: Keeping Your Recording Session Sanitary

Health and safety of all patrons is our number one concern and that’s why our aim is to Keep our DAW germ free. Since the Covid outbreak, the attention to “Sanitization” has become central to all industries across the board. Public awareness of proper hygiene practices has surged in recent years, with the use of gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer becoming commonplace. 


Keeping Your Studio Squeaky Clean

  • The cleaning process for a recording studio can be broken down into two main parts: surface cleaning and deep cleaning.
  • Surface Cleaning: This is your everyday routine. Use disinfectant wipes or sprays on most surfaces.

    Important note: Never apply disinfectant spray directly to electronic equipment. Instead, spray the solution onto a microfiber cloth and then wipe down the equipment.

  • Deep Cleaning: This is a more thorough cleaning performed periodically. Ultraviolet (UV) light is a common method for deep cleaning in recording studios. Use the UV light on surfaces like computer keyboards, microphones, and other tight spaces where germs can easily hide.


  • Recording studios are often small rooms where people spend extended periods breathing and talking. This can lead to a buildup of airborne germs and bacteria.

We recommend installing an air purifier in the studio itself and make sure they are running during the non-recording time only. 

Mobile Studio USA Protocol

The protocol we use is very simple:

  • Clean, sanitize and wipe down all surfaces at the start of shift and after every use
  • Run a UVC wand over microphones and headsets
  • Run an air purifier during breaks
  • Upon talent arrival, clear the trailer from personnel while the talent gets situated.
  • Make sure A/C and air purifier are turned off during the actual record and on when recording is stopped.

As a company officer, I recently completed a comprehensive COVID-19 training program and certification.  This informative course provided valuable insights, and I highly recommend similar training for everyone.  Just like CPR certification, it equips you with the knowledge and skills to create a safer environment.


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